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Telefonszám: 06/30-315-28-23

PszichoFészek Pszichológiai Magánrendelő
1091 Budapest, Üllői út 89/a. I. emelet 1.

Child and adolescent psychology

Welcome to my homepage! My name is Veronika Csík, I am a child and adolescent clinical psychologist, and a psychodrama assistant. During my undergraduate studies, I started to teach psychology and participated in an international research about the risk factors of children’s depression. Currently I work in the field of Hungarian state care and child protection services.

In accordance with my training, views and interests, I utilize approaches of play therapy, integrative child therapy and developmental psychopathology during my work with children and adolescents.

If you are a parent who – along with your family – moved to Hungary either temporarily or permanently, you may have noticed changes in your child’s behaviour, emotional and/or social status – changes which concern you.

  • If you are interested in whether these changes stem from your child’s difficulties to adjust to the new circumstances, cultural views, changes in the family, or signal problems which may originate from earlier, possibly symptomatic divergence of developmental processes;
  • Or your child has had a history of problems of psychological nature, and you are ready to re-engage in psychological work

feel free to contact me for consultation.

The following symptoms and phenomena may indicate the need to consult a psychologist:

Toddler and preschool:

  • Phobias, anxiety: unexplainable, significant distress regarding certain situations and/or objects – presenting itself in the form of extreme crying, avoidance or „freezing”
  • Functional disorders: eating, sleeping, potty training
  • Psychological background of somatic symptoms: asthma, eczema, etc.
  • Separational difficulties: significant distress at temporary parting from parents, for instance at leaving to kindergarden
  • Sibling jealousy

School age:

  • Psychosomatic disorders: headache, stomach ache, nausea, trichotillomania (urge to pull out one’s own hair)
  • Anxiety disorders: school phobia (complex and extreme form of anxiety about going to school), compulsions, onychophagia (nail biting)
  • Emotional disorders: intensified sensitivity, extreme withdrawal from social stimuli, intensified agression (verbal or physical)
  • Problems of peer relations
  • Significant decrease in academic performance
  • Behaviour disorder
  • Tic


  • Significant descrease in academic performance
  • Behavioral problems
  • Mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders, panic attacks
  • Problems regarding sexuality
  • Peer conflicts, bullying
  • Conflicts with the family

Further details on the indication, length and form of psychological intervention are to be discussed upon first consultation.

Contact info

Phone: +36-30-315-28-23
Please make an appointment prior to first consultation.

Address: 1035 Budapest,
23, Vörösvári út
1st floor, Apartment No. 1
Please ring doorbell: „PszichoFészek Gyerek”

Hours: Mondays, between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Prices: 11.000 HUF/50 minutes

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